Welcome to #IWantToWork, a social media self-advocacy campaign powered by young Pennsylvanians with disabilities. Our goal is to ensure people with disabilities have access to fully integrated employment opportunities and fair wages through policy, advocacy and education for all.


People with disabilities want to work, deserve to work and are great for businesses.
Latest News

Until Now

For a person with a disability, career success, marriage, and having a savings was a dream … until now….

You can’t, I will

“You can’t…” It all started with the words “you can’t.” Those are two words that never sat well with…

MAWD Expansion Signed into Law

On July 1, Governor Wolf signed Act 69 of 2021 into law, expanding the eligibility criteria for the Medical Assistance for Workers…

New legislation is life-changing for workers

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette – Can you imagine being denied the right to work to the full extent of your abilities?…

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